Stainless steel scale digital weight machine
Stainless steel scale digital weight machine
Stainless steel scale digital weight machine
Stainless steel scale digital weight machine
Stainless steel scale digital weight machine

Stainless steel scale digital weight machine

Stainless steel scale digital weight machine are made of 304 vleklose staal, Weight range from 0-100KG, This Digital scale used multipoint sensor digital display modeIt is easy to using and high accuracy, long lifetime.


Groottes: L1000*550*800MM

Feature: weight digital scale, operation handle.


Terugvoer nou

V:Is nbf vervaardiger of handelsonderneming?
A:NBF is 'n professionele vervaardiger vir versorgingsprodukte vir troeteldiere met ervaring oor 12 jare. Ons kan eenmalige diens aanpas vir elke spesiale vereiste.


V:Wat van jou standaard afleweringsdatum ?
A: Gewoonlik 5-20 dae.


V:Wat is jou betalingsvoorwaardes?
A:Betaal 50% deponeer eers en betaal die oorblywende 50% voor versending.


V:Hoe was ons minimum bestelhoeveelheid?
A:Our MOQ is 10pcs.


V:Where is the factory's address?
A:ADRES:Die 4de verdieping,No.3 gebou,Yadi-tegnologiepark,No.4 Hetai Road,Helongstraat,Baiyun-distrik,Guangzhou,Sjina
Celine Wen Tel: +86 189 2407 0859 E-POS:



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