Professional Electric Pet Clipper for Dogs and Cats Hair Around Face, Paws, Eyes, Ears, Rump
-Some lube has been applied on the blade for maintenance, so some "oil" may be found on the item, please rest assured to use
-Don't use the narrow blade with any guide because the tip of the former is already longer than the latter
ጥ:የእርስዎ ምርቶች የት ይሸጣሉ??
ሀ:በደቡብ አሜሪካ ከሚገኙ መሸጫ ጣቢያዎች ጋር ዓለም አቀፍ የሽያጭ አውታረመረብ በተሳካ ሁኔታ አቋቁመናል, ሰሜን አሜሪካ, አውሮፓ, አፍሪካ, አውስትራሊያ, ጃፓን, ስንጋፖር, ማሌዥያ, ታይላንድ, ቪትናም, ኢንዶኔዥያ, ህንድ እና ሌሎች ሀገሮች.
ጥ:Where is the factory's address?
ሀ:ADDRESS:4 ኛ ፎቅ,ቁጥር 3 ህንፃ,ያዲ ቴክኖሎጂ ፓርክ,No4 Hetai መንገድ,ሄሎን ጎዳና,ባይዩን አውራጃ,ጓንጉዙ,ቻይና
Celine Wen Tel: +86 189 2407 0859 EMAIL:
ጥ: የእኛ ዝቅተኛ የትእዛዝ ብዛት እንዴት ነበር?
ሀ:የእኛ MOQ 500pcs ነው.
ጥ:Is nbf manufacturer or trading company?
ሀ:NBF is professional manufacturer for pet grooming products with experience over 12 years. We can offer one-stop service of customization for your every special requirement.
ጥ:የክፍያ ውሎችዎ ምንድ ናቸው??
ሀ:ይክፈሉ 50% አስቀድመህ አስቀምጠው የቀረውን ክፈል። 50% ከማጓጓዣ በፊት.