Pet scissors
Pet scissors
Pet scissors
Pet scissors

Maskota guraizeak

The NBF pet shear is of professional design. It is made of 9 Cr 13 which is the best material with long-lasting sharpness, sharp and wearable. It is fit for professional salon and home use. The special finger rests and hand-honed, convex edges provide groomers with the ultimate in comfort, control and performance which reduces hand fatigue.

Produktuaren xehetasuna

Iritzia orain

The NBF pet shear is of professional design. It is made of 9 Cr 13 which is the best material with long-lasting sharpness, sharp and wearable. It is fit for professional salon and home use. The special finger rests and hand-honed, convex edges provide groomers with the ultimate in comfort, control and performance which reduces hand fatigue.


NBF09010Straight scissor7’ 7.5’ 8’
NBF09012Tooth scissor7
NBF09015Bending scissor7’ 7.5’ 8’

G:Nbf fabrikatzailea edo merkataritza-enpresa da?
A:NBF esperientzia baino gehiago duen maskotak apaintzeko produktuen fabrikatzaile profesionala da 12 urteak. Zure eskakizun berezi guztietarako pertsonalizazio-zerbitzu bakarra eskain dezakegu.


G:Zer gertatzen da zure entrega-data estandarra? ?
A: Normalean 5-20 egunak.


G:What is your payment terms?
A:Pay 50% deposit first and pay the remaining 50% before shipment.


G:Nolakoa zen gure eskaera gutxieneko kantitatea?
A:Our MOQ is 48pcs.


G:Where is the factory's address?
A:ADDRESS:4. solairua,3. eraikina,Yadi Parke Teknologikoa,Hetai errepidea, 4 zenbakia,Helong kalea,Baiyun auzoa,Guangzhou,Txina
Celine Wen Tel: +86 189 2407 0859 EMAIL:



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