Super Powerful Pet Grooming Dryer
Super Powerful Pet Grooming Dryer
Super Powerful Pet Grooming Dryer
Super Powerful Pet Grooming Dryer
Super Powerful Pet Grooming Dryer

Maskotak apaintzeko lehorgailu oso indartsua

ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY & SAFETY: It has variable air flow speed and temperature. The breakthrough of this technology brings natural heating and quiet, insulated operation. It is an exclusive design. Its shell material and high wind outlet combine perfectly. The dryer is of low noise, strong and concentrated wind.


SAVE TIME & MONEY: Our sophisticated motor is equipped with advanced energy-saving measures that will translate to lower power consumptions without compromising performance. DURABILITY: We have built the dryer with durability in mind. The stainless steel body prevents any rust build up which ensures that this unit will serve you for years to come, be it in commercial or personal applications.

Produktuaren xehetasuna

Iritzia orain

1.Two kinds of replaceable connectors to meet different needs.
2.Noise Reduction Technology ( < 60dB)
Thickened fliter - prevents debris from entering the motor and destroy the fuselage.
Thickened stainless steel body - achieves the effect of noise reduction and shock absorption.
3.Haizearen abiadura eta tenperatura aldakorrak
4.With removable wheels, easy to move to any position

G:Zer gertatzen da zure entrega-data estandarra? ?
A: Normalean 5-20 egunak.


G:Non dagoen produktua erabiltzeko egokia?
A:Animalia-dendarako egokia da maskota-hazgailu hau, maskota ospitalea edo etxeko erabilera.


G:Nbf fabrikatzailea edo merkataritza-enpresa da?
A:NBF esperientzia baino gehiago duen maskotak apaintzeko produktuen fabrikatzaile profesionala da 12 urteak. Zure eskakizun berezi guztietarako pertsonalizazio-zerbitzu bakarra eskain dezakegu.


G:Pertsonalizatu al dezakezu 110V?
A:Yes, we can. We can customize the voltage of 110V-240V.




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