Surfing Spa Bath
Surfing Spa Bath
Surfing Spa Bath
Surfing Spa Bath
Surfing Spa Bath

Surfing Spa Bath

Including SPA function stainless steel bathtub, It has three sizes can be chosen. LCD display can shows blister strong or weak. It also including heat and constant the temperature. It can using medicine SPA, Also you can control the dog in the water, let it enjoy the SPA Happiness. The foot can be adjust if your land not steady.






Produktuaren xehetasuna

Iritzia orain

● We will provide more accurate and effective manufacturing and services according to the specific requirements of customers.
● We have professional QC team to ensure your product more better.
● Check the raw material before starting production.
● Have the random inspection during the processing.
● Make the 100% inspection before the shipments.

G:Nbf fabrikatzailea edo merkataritza-enpresa da?
A:NBF esperientzia baino gehiago duen maskotak apaintzeko produktuen fabrikatzaile profesionala da 12 urteak. Zure eskakizun berezi guztietarako pertsonalizazio-zerbitzu bakarra eskain dezakegu.


G:Zer gertatzen da zure entrega-data estandarra? ?
A: Normalean 5-20 egunak.


G:What is your payment terms?
A:Pay 50% deposit first and pay the remaining 50% before shipment.


G:Nolakoa zen gure eskaera gutxieneko kantitatea?
A:Our MOQ is 10pcs.



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