Stainless steel scale digital weight machine
Stainless steel scale digital weight machine
Stainless steel scale digital weight machine
Stainless steel scale digital weight machine
Stainless steel scale digital weight machine

Stainless steel scale digital weight machine

Stainless steel scale digital weight machine are made of 304 stainless steel, Weight range from 0-100KG, This Digital scale used multipoint sensor digital display modeIt is easy to using and high accuracy, long lifetime.


Sizes: L1000*550*800MM

Feature: weight digital scale, operation handle.

Detalle do produto

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Q:Is nbf manufacturer or trading company?
A:NBF is professional manufacturer for pet grooming products with experience over 12 years. We can offer one-stop service of customization for your every special requirement.


Q:Que pasa coa data de entrega estándar ?
A: Normalmente 5-20 días.


Q:Cales son as súas condicións de pago?
A:Pagar 50% depositar primeiro e pagar o resto 50% antes do envío.


Q:Como foi a nosa cantidade mínima de pedido?
A:O noso MOQ é de 10 unidades.


Q:Onde está o enderezo da fábrica?
A:ENDEREZO:O 4º andar,Nº3 Edificio,Parque Tecnolóxico de Yadi,Nº4 Estrada de Hetai,Rúa Helong,Distrito de Baiyun,Cantón,China
Celine Wen Tel: +86 189 2407 0859 CORREO ELECTRÓNICO:



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