Sampo rambut berbulu madu (bentuknya halus)
Bahan: air deionisasi, alkohol lemak alami eter natrium sulfat, natrium lauryl glutamat, natrium asam lemak eter sulfosuksinat, Gliserin, monoetanolamida asam laurat, natrium cocoamphoacetate, campuran polimer polisakarida Ekstrak madu alami, Asam amino, kolagen, VB6, DAN, minyak esensial argan olahan, ekstrak gandum, ekstrak valerian, selulosa aktif, PCA-Na, metil isothiazolinone.
Main effects: Enhance the fluffy texture of the pet's hair, supple and elastic, reduce the knotting phenomenon, make the hair more full and bright.
Dosage Usage: Wet the pet hair with warm water, take a proper amount of the bath and evenly rub it on the pet in the hand. It can be rinsed with water for about 3-5 minutes, or diluted 5-20 waktu.
Product Features: This series is a gentle and tear-free formula, which can effectively clean hair while replenishing nutrients and moisture, making hair naturally fluffy, shiny and strong, long-lasting fragrance.
Tips: Because this product does not contain chemicals, plant essential oils will naturally separate and present a double layer phenomenon, please feel free to use. Shake well before use, and the effect is better.
Suitable for dogs: than bear,white poodle, Old English sheepdog fluffy long-haired dog, dll.
Q:Adalah produsen nbf atau perusahaan dagang?
SEBUAH:NBF adalah produsen profesional untuk produk perawatan hewan peliharaan dengan pengalaman selesai 12 tahun. Kami dapat menawarkan layanan satu atap untuk setiap kebutuhan khusus Anda.
Q:Bagaimana dengan tanggal pengiriman standar Anda? ?
SEBUAH: Biasanya 5-20 hari.
Q:Apa ketentuan pembayaran Anda?
SEBUAH:Membayar 50% setor dulu dan bayar sisanya 50% sebelum pengiriman.
Q:Bagaimana kuantitas minimum order kami?
SEBUAH:Our MOQ is 48pcs.
Q:Where is the factory's address?
SEBUAH:ALAMAT:Lantai 4,Bangunan No.3,Taman Teknologi Yadi,No.4 Hetai Road,Helong Street,Distrik Baiyun,Guangzhou,Cina
Celine Wen Tel: +86 189 2407 0859 SUREL: