Stainless steel temperature constant double angle lifting operation table
Stainless steel temperature constant double angle lifting operation table
Stainless steel temperature constant double angle lifting operation table
Stainless steel temperature constant double angle lifting operation table
Stainless steel temperature constant double angle lifting operation table

Stainless steel temperature constant double angle lifting operation table

Stainless steel temperature constant double angle lifting operation table

Stainless steel temperature constant double angle lifting operation table are made of 304 bahan stainless steel, Auto electric control lifting, front and back. You can adjust all kinds of angel if you need.


Products sizes: L1500*W600*H760-1050MM

Fitur: High precision temperature control, Steady and durable, lifting steady and control easy.

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Q:Adalah produsen nbf atau perusahaan dagang?
SEBUAH:NBF adalah produsen profesional untuk produk perawatan hewan peliharaan dengan pengalaman selesai 12 tahun. Kami dapat menawarkan layanan satu atap untuk setiap kebutuhan khusus Anda.


Q:Bagaimana dengan tanggal pengiriman standar Anda? ?
SEBUAH: Biasanya 5-20 hari.


Q:Apa ketentuan pembayaran Anda?
SEBUAH:Membayar 50% setor dulu dan bayar sisanya 50% sebelum pengiriman.


Q:Bagaimana kuantitas minimum order kami?
SEBUAH:Our MOQ is 10pcs.




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