high powered blow dryer for dogs
high powered blow dryer for dogs
high powered blow dryer for dogs
high powered blow dryer for dogs
high powered blow dryer for dogs

zuwakirina bi hêz bilind ji bo kûçikan

Hişka kûçikê Happy Bear piçûkek piçûk e, zuwakera heywanan a kompakt û bi hêz ku dikare avê bişewitîne, gemmar, bermay û kincê ji heywanên heywanan zû û bi bandor. Leza herikîna hewayê û germahiya wê ya guherbar heye. Serkeftina vê teknolojiyê germbûna xwezayî û bêdengiyê tîne, operasyona îzolekirî. Ew sêwiranek taybetî ye. Materyalên wê yên şêlê û derketina bayê bilind bi rengek bêkêmasî tevdigerin. Hişkok kêm deng e, bayê xurt û konsantre.

Product Detail

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Below specifications can be customized based on your needs, please check with our representative before order.

Model:Dog hair dryer HB1001& HB1002
Colors:Orange, yellow, black &stainless steel
Features:Leza bermayî û germahiya hewayê
Air speed:25-50m/s

1. Low noise, bayê xurt û konsantre.

2. Necessary tools for pet stores, professional users and home users.

3. Capable of washing filter and easy to replace.

4.Hand shank makes it convenient to carry.



QIs nbf manufacturer or trading company?
ANBF is professional manufacturer for pet grooming products with experience over 12 years. We can offer one-stop service of customization for your every special requirement.


QWhat is your payment terms?
APay 50% deposit first and pay the remaining 50% before shipment.


QCan you customize 110V?
AYes, we can. We can customize the voltage of 110V-240V.


QWhat is the difference between HB1001 and HB1002?
AHB1001 is made of iron spray paint shell. You can choose yellow, orange or black. The material of the shell in HB1002 is stainless steel.


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