Бүрэн нөлөөтэй эвкалипт шампунь (бүрэн үр дүнтэй универсал)
Найрлага: ионгүйжүүлсэн ус, байгалийн өөхний спирт эфир натрийн сульфат, натрийн лаурил глутамат, натрийн тосны хүчлийн эфир сульфосукцинат, глицерин, лаурын хүчил моноэтаноламид, натрийн кокоамфоацетат, полисахаридын полимер хольц , кератин, амин хүчил, жимсний хүчил торгоны уураг трофик хүчин зүйл, VB6, зуун настын ханд, VE, цэвэршүүлсэн арган эфирийн тос, гидролизжүүлсэн улаан буудайн уураг, далайн байцааны ханд, юкка ханд, Camellia ханд, сапиндусын ханд, Метил изотиазолинон.
Main effects: Add plant softness, moisturizing and deodorizing ingredients, replenish skin and hair nutrition, effectively repair damaged hair, make love pet hair healthier and keep silky and supple.
Dosage Usage: Wet the pet hair with warm water, take a proper amount of the bath and evenly rub it on the pet in the hand. It can be rinsed with water for about 3-5 minutes, or diluted 5-20 times.
Product Features: This series is a mild and tear-free formula. It is light and supple after washing. It is rich in a variety of natural deodorizing factors and lasts for a long time.
Tips: Because this product does not contain chemicals, plant essential oils will naturally separate and present a double layer phenomenon, please feel free to use. Shake well before use, and the effect is better.
Dog: all breeds.
Q:Is nbf manufacturer or trading company?
A:NBF is professional manufacturer for pet grooming products with experience over 12 years. We can offer one-stop service of customization for your every special requirement.
Q:What about your standard delivery date ?
A: Usually 5-20 days.
Q:What is your payment terms?
A:Pay 50% deposit first and pay the remaining 50% before shipment.
Q:How was our minimum order quantity?
A:Our MOQ is 48pcs.
Q:Where is the factory's address?
A:ADDRESS:4-р давхар,№3 байр,Яди технологийн парк,Хэтайн №4 зам,Хэлонг гудамж,Байюн дүүрэг,Гуанжоу,Хятад
Celine Wen Tel: +86 189 2407 0859 EMAIL: angel@nbf.hk