Uragan għall-annimali domestiċi dryer ta 'veloċità għolja
1、2600W super power.
2、Infinitament varjabbli, kontroll tat-temperatura u veloċità tar-riħ super.
3、Hanut tal-annimali, għodda essenzjali għall-utent professjonali, utenti tal-ħwienet tal-annimali domestiċi l-aħjar għażla • Tħaddim sikur tal-insulazzjoni
4、Filtru li jinħasel u faċli biex jinbidel
5、Kostruzzjoni qawwija, Qoxra sħiħa tal-plastik
1、About Noise:
According to statistics from scientific experts, the pet gromming dryer does not completely avoid noise, it is not the noise of the water blower, but the wind sound generated by the air hose.
Everyone has a different tolerance for noise. Some pets may be scared at first, you could adjust airflow to the lowest setting so they can get used to it, and give them some foods or toys.
2、About Temperature:
Please do not hold too close to pet's fur when using the pet gromming blower. It could get burned because of too high temperature. The closer to pet's fur, the hotter it will feel. The temperature will vary with distance.
Q:Tista 'tippersonalizza l-kulur?
A:Jilħaq il-MOQ milli l-kulur jista 'jkun personalizzat.
Q:Can you do our brand?
A:Yes, we can. The condition is to reach the MOQ.
Q:X'inhu l-ħin tal-kunsinna?
A:5-40 jiem wara d-depożitu, jiddependi.
Q:Tista 'tippersonalizza 110V?
A:Yes, we can. We can customize the voltage of 110V-240V