Pet scissors
Pet scissors
Pet scissors
Pet scissors

Imqass tal-annimali domestiċi

The NBF pet shear is of professional design. It is made of 9 Cr 13 which is the best material with long-lasting sharpness, sharp and wearable. It is fit for professional salon and home use. The special finger rests and hand-honed, convex edges provide groomers with the ultimate in comfort, control and performance which reduces hand fatigue.

Dettall tal-Prodott

Rispons issa

The NBF pet shear is of professional design. It is made of 9 Cr 13 which is the best material with long-lasting sharpness, sharp and wearable. It is fit for professional salon and home use. The special finger rests and hand-honed, convex edges provide groomers with the ultimate in comfort, control and performance which reduces hand fatigue.


NBF09010Straight scissor7’ 7.5’ 8’
NBF09012Tooth scissor7
NBF09015Bending scissor7’ 7.5’ 8’

Q:Is nbf manufacturer or trading company?
A:NBF is professional manufacturer for pet grooming products with experience over 12 years. We can offer one-stop service of customization for your every special requirement.


Q:Xi ngħidu dwar id-data tal-kunsinna standard tiegħek ?
A: Normalment 5-20 jiem.


Q:X'inhuma t-termini tal-ħlas tiegħek?
A:Ħallas 50% jiddepożita l-ewwel u ħallas il-bqija 50% qabel il-ġarr.


Q:Kif kienet il-kwantità minima tal-ordni tagħna?
A:Our MOQ is 48pcs.


Q:Where is the factory's address?
A:INDIRIZZ:Ir-4 Sular,No.3 Bini,Park tat-Teknoloġija Yadi,No.4 Hetai Road,Triq Helong,Distrett ta 'Baiyun,Guangzhou,Iċ-Ċina
Celine Wen Tel: +86 189 2407 0859 EMAIL:


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