Professional Pet Wall Mounted Dryer
Professional Pet Wall Mounted Dryer
Professional Pet Wall Mounted Dryer
Professional Pet Wall Mounted Dryer
Professional Pet Wall Mounted Dryer

Dryer Professjonali Immuntat mal-Ħajt tal-Annimali Domestiċi

It is a powerful Wall-Mounted Dryer. This powerful yet gentle dryer allows the groomer to go hands-free when fluffing a freshly washed pet. Perfect for salons or facilities in need of space-saving, this dryer can mount on wall easily.

Dettall tal-Prodott

Rispons issa

Model: Pet Wall Mounted Dryer HB1008
Material: stainless steel
Features: Veloċità u temperatura varjabbli tar-riħ
vultaġġ: 110-240V
Qawwa: 2800W
Air speed: 25-50Sinjorina
Heat: 77°F-167°F
Noise: 60DB

● We will provide more accurate and effective manufacturing and services according to the specific requirements of customers.
● We have professional QC team to ensure your product more better.
● Check the raw material before starting production.
● Have the random inspection during the processing.
● Make the 100% spezzjoni qabel il-vjeġġi.

Q:Is nbf manufacturer or trading company?
A:NBF is professional manufacturer for pet grooming products with experience over 12 years. We can offer one-stop service of customization for your every special requirement.


Q:Liema trattament tal-wiċċ huwa l-iktar komuni għal partijiet tal-metall?
A:Lustrar, Pollakk,Kisi tat-Trab,Pittura.


Q:X'inhuma t-termini tal-ħlas tiegħek?
A:Ħallas 50% jiddepożita l-ewwel u ħallas il-bqija 50% qabel il-ġarr.


Q:Kif kienet il-kwantità minima tal-ordni tagħna?
A:Our MOQ is 100pcs.


Q:Tista 'tippersonalizza 110V?
A:Yes, we can. We can customize the voltage of 110V-240V.


Q:X'ċertifikati ta 'kwalifika għandek?
A:Aħna għadda CE, FCC, CCC, KC u ċertifikazzjonijiet oħra tas-sigurtà tal-prodott.




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