Stainless steel pet tooth cleaning, wound clean machine
● We will provide more accurate and effective manufacturing and services according to the specific requirements of customers.
● We have professional QC team to ensure your product more better.
● Check the raw material before starting production.
● Have the random inspection during the processing.
● Make the 100% spezzjoni qabel il-vjeġġi.
Q:Is nbf manufacturer or trading company?
A:NBF is professional manufacturer for pet grooming products with experience over 12 years. We can offer one-stop service of customization for your every special requirement.
Q:Xi ngħidu dwar id-data tal-kunsinna standard tiegħek ?
A: Normalment 5-20 jiem.
Q:X'inhuma t-termini tal-ħlas tiegħek?
A:Ħallas 50% jiddepożita l-ewwel u ħallas il-bqija 50% qabel il-ġarr.
Q:Kif kienet il-kwantità minima tal-ordni tagħna?
A:Our MOQ is 10pcs.