Stainless steel scale digital weight machine
Stainless steel scale digital weight machine
Stainless steel scale digital weight machine
Stainless steel scale digital weight machine
Stainless steel scale digital weight machine

Stainless steel scale digital weight machine

Stainless steel scale digital weight machine are made of 304 stainless steel, Weight range from 0-100KG, This Digital scale used multipoint sensor digital display modeIt is easy to using and high accuracy, long lifetime.


Sizes: L1000*550*800MM

Karatteristika: weight digital scale, operation handle.

Dettall tal-Prodott

Rispons issa

Q:Is nbf manufacturer or trading company?
A:NBF is professional manufacturer for pet grooming products with experience over 12 years. We can offer one-stop service of customization for your every special requirement.


Q:Xi ngħidu dwar id-data tal-kunsinna standard tiegħek ?
A: Normalment 5-20 jiem.


Q:X'inhuma t-termini tal-ħlas tiegħek?
A:Ħallas 50% jiddepożita l-ewwel u ħallas il-bqija 50% qabel il-ġarr.


Q:Kif kienet il-kwantità minima tal-ordni tagħna?
A:Our MOQ is 10pcs.


Q:Where is the factory's address?
A:INDIRIZZ:Ir-4 Sular,No.3 Bini,Park tat-Teknoloġija Yadi,No.4 Hetai Road,Triq Helong,Distrett ta 'Baiyun,Guangzhou,Iċ-Ċina
Celine Wen Tel: +86 189 2407 0859 EMAIL:




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