هيپي بيئر ڪتو ڊرير هڪ ننڍڙو آهي, ڪمپيڪٽ ۽ طاقتور پالتو جانورن جو ڊائريڪٽر جيڪو پاڻي کي ڦٽو ڪري سگهي ٿو, مٽي, جلدي ۽ موثر طور تي پالتو جانورن مان ملبو ۽ هيٺيون کوٽ. ان ۾ متغير هوا جي وهڪري جي رفتار ۽ درجه حرارت آهي. هن ٽيڪنالاجي جي ڪاميابي قدرتي گرمي ۽ خاموشي آڻيندي, موصل آپريشن. اهو هڪ خاص ڊزائن آهي. ان جو شيل مواد ۽ تيز ونڊ آئوٽ مڪمل طور تي گڏ ڪن ٿا. ڊرير گهٽ شور وارو آهي, مضبوط ۽ مرڪوز واء.
فرشتن سيريز Hurricane پالتو هيئر ڊرير, مڪمل پلاسٽڪ شيل, لامحدود متغير, گرمي پد ڪنٽرول ۽ سپر واء جي رفتار, ڊبل موٽر کان وڏي واء, اهو جلدي ۽ موثر طريقي سان نمي کي ختم ڪري سگهي ٿو, مٽي, پالتو جانورن جي هيٺان fluff ۾ ملبوس, پيش رفت ٽيڪنالاجي قدرتي گرمي ۽ محفوظ موصليت آپريشن آڻيندو آهي, خاص ڊيزائن, شيل مواد جو ڀرپور ميلاپ ۽ انتهائي تيز ايئر آئوٽليٽ, مضبوط ۽ مرڪوز واء ۽ گهٽ شور.
PAN ENGLE is a set of pet dryer which uses the U.S. imported AMETEK motor. There is no domestic manufacturer of the motors being capable of producing such high-performance motor section. Besides, its shape is unique.Therefore,it has the patents for its appearance, utility models and so on. The product uses engineering materials and deep processing of high strength shell protection, multistage insulation safety, multi-channel stability control design.The service life can be up to 1800 hours, which is three times longer than the life of the domestic motor. It is the rationale blaster container with the highest coefficient that complies with international standards.
The breakthrough technology of the pet dryer brings natural heating and quiet, insulated operation to improve productivity in grooming shops. Powerful, high velocity dryer delivers a high volume of warm air to blow out the water in the underlying fluff of the pets. Infinitely adjustable-speed air-conditioning blowing machine has the auxiliary heating function. This dryer has two power switch lights and a delicate gear knob, which makes users feel relieved to use in anytime and anywhere. The unit has a 3 meters puncture-resistant flexible hose and four nozzles. The machine is made of steel, and the construction of the dryer is rugged and durable. It is of humanized beehive bottom cover design. It has dual mounted legs, which allows both vertical and horizontal use. ڊرير گهٽ شور وارو آهي, مضبوط ۽ مرڪوز واء. The air temperature will not be too high, so as to avoid damaging the hair of pets, which greatly improves the working efficiency.