Pet Bathing Pool
● We will provide more accurate and effective manufacturing and services according to the specific requirements of customers.
● We have professional QC team to ensure your product more better.
● Check the raw material before starting production.
● Have the random inspection during the processing.
● Make the 100% inspection before the shipments.
Q:Iyo nbf mugadziri kana kambani yekutengesa?
A:NBF inyanzvi inogadzira zvigadzirwa zvekugezesa zvipfuyo zvine ruzivo pamusoro 12 makore. Isu tinogona kupa imwe-yekumira sevhisi yekugadzirisa kune chako chese chakakosha chinodiwa.
Q:Zvakadini nezuva rako rekutumira ?
A: Kazhinji 5-20 mazuva.
Q:Ndeipi mitemo yako yekubhadhara?
A:Pay 50% tanga waisa mari uye ubhadhare zvakasara 50% isati yatumirwa.
Q:Huwandu hwe odha yedu shoma yaive sei?
A:Our MOQ is 10pcs.