Prevention of skin diseases shampoo (sterilization and itching)
Prevention of skin diseases shampoo (sterilization and itching)
Prevention of skin diseases shampoo (sterilization and itching)
Prevention of skin diseases shampoo (sterilization and itching)
Prevention of skin diseases shampoo (sterilization and itching)

Kudzivirira zvirwere zveganda shampoo (sterilization uye itching)

Ingredients: ionized water, mafuta chaiwo doro ether sodium sulfate, sodium lauryl glutamate, mafuta edoro ether sulfosuccinate sodium, glycerin, lauric acid monoethanolamide, coconut oil amphoteric acid sodium acetate, polysaccharide polymer mixture, Keratin, amino acid, eucalyptus oil, lavender extract, refined argan oil, Aipu extract, Sophora flavescens extract, Cnidium extract, nisin, quaternized silicone polysaccharide, methylisothiazolinone .

Product Detail

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Ingredients: ionized water, mafuta chaiwo doro ether sodium sulfate, sodium lauryl glutamate, mafuta edoro ether sulfosuccinate sodium, glycerin, lauric acid monoethanolamide, coconut oil amphoteric acid sodium acetate, polysaccharide polymer mixture, Keratin, amino acid, eucalyptus oil, lavender extract, refined argan oil, Aipu extract, Sophora flavescens extract, Cnidium extract, nisin, quaternized silicone polysaccharide, methylisothiazolinone .


Main madhara: Effectively remove all kinds of harmful bacteria in the pet's fur, effectively prevent skin diseases, lasting antibacterial, make hair healthier, brighter and more aromatic.


Kushandiswa kweDosage: Nyoresa bvudzi remhuka nemvura inodziya, tora chiyero chakakodzera chekugezesa uye uchikwesha zvakaenzana pamhuka iri muruoko. Inogona kushambidzwa nemvura kweinenge 3-5 maminitsi, kana kuti diluted 5-20 nguva.


Product characteristics: mild formula, a variety of natural bactericidal factors compound high-efficiency plant anti-irritant and soothing ingredients, effective prevention of skin diseases, no side effects, long-lasting fragrance.


Mazano: Nokuti chigadzirwa ichi hachina makemikari, chirimwa akakosha oiri anozopatsanurwa uye anoratidza kaviri layer phenomenon, please feel free to use before shaking, the effect is better.


Imbwa: all breeds

Q:Iyo nbf mugadziri kana kambani yekutengesa?
A:NBF inyanzvi inogadzira zvigadzirwa zvekugezesa zvipfuyo zvine ruzivo pamusoro 12 makore. Isu tinogona kupa imwe-yekumira sevhisi yekugadzirisa kune chako chese chakakosha chinodiwa.


Q:Zvakadini nezuva rako rekutumira ?
A: Kazhinji 5-20 mazuva.


Q:Ndeipi mitemo yako yekubhadhara?
A:Pay 50% tanga waisa mari uye ubhadhare zvakasara 50% isati yatumirwa.


Q:Huwandu hwe odha yedu shoma yaive sei?
A:Yedu MOQ ndeye 48pcs.


Q:Kero yefekitari iripi?
A:ADDRESS:The 4th Floor,Nha.3 Kuvaka,Yadi Technology Park,No.4 Hetai Road,Helong Street,Baiyun District,Guangzhou,China
Celine Wen Tel: +86 189 2407 0859 EMAIL:



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