Professional Electric Pet Clipper for Dogs and Cats Hair Around Face, Paws, Eyes, Ears, Rump
-Some lube has been applied on the blade for maintenance, so some "oil" may be found on the item, please rest assured to use
-Don't use the narrow blade with any guide because the tip of the former is already longer than the latter
Q:Where are your products sold?
A:We have successfully established a global sales network with outlets in South America, North America, Europe, Africa, Australia, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, India and other countries.
Q:Kero yefekitari iripi?
A:ADDRESS:The 4th Floor,Nha.3 Kuvaka,Yadi Technology Park,No.4 Hetai Road,Helong Street,Baiyun District,Guangzhou,China
Celine Wen Tel: +86 189 2407 0859 EMAIL:
Q: Huwandu hwe odha yedu shoma yaive sei?
A:Our MOQ is 500pcs.
Q:Iyo nbf mugadziri kana kambani yekutengesa?
A:NBF inyanzvi inogadzira zvigadzirwa zvekugezesa zvipfuyo zvine ruzivo pamusoro 12 makore. Isu tinogona kupa imwe-yekumira sevhisi yekugadzirisa kune chako chese chakakosha chinodiwa.
Q:Ndeipi mitemo yako yekubhadhara?
A:Pay 50% tanga waisa mari uye ubhadhare zvakasara 50% isati yatumirwa.