Professional Electric Pet Clipper for Dogs and Cats Hair Around Face, Paws, Eyes, Ears, Rump
Professional Electric Pet Clipper for Dogs and Cats Hair Around Face, Paws, Eyes, Ears, Rump
Professional Electric Pet Clipper for Dogs and Cats Hair Around Face, Paws, Eyes, Ears, Rump
Professional Electric Pet Clipper for Dogs and Cats Hair Around Face, Paws, Eyes, Ears, Rump
Professional Electric Pet Clipper for Dogs and Cats Hair Around Face, Paws, Eyes, Ears, Rump

Професионална електрична клипњача за псе и мачке за косу око лица, Шапе, Очи, Уши, Румп

1、Light weight and portable for easy operation.

2、With high-performance AC TG motor, ensure the air pump high accuracy, strong, durable, and away from loud noise.

3、 with high air pressure of 4.5 psi / 31000 pa, an effortless way to quick fill any large inflatables, and let you enjoy with a stronger air mattress.

4、with one temperature controller in the unit, don’t worry about the pump would run over heat, resulting in the burning or explosion.

5、Design with 3 different nozzles, make it convenient to inflate or deflate various products.

Детаљи о производу

Феедбацк нов

1、Light weight and portable for easy operation.
2、With high-performance AC TG motor, ensure the air pump high accuracy, strong, durable, and away from loud noise.
3、 with high air pressure of 4.5 psi / 31000 pa, an effortless way to quick fill any large inflatables, and let you enjoy with a stronger air mattress.
4、with one temperature controller in the unit, don’t worry about the pump would run over heat, resulting in the burning or explosion.
5、Design with 3 different nozzles, make it convenient to inflate or deflate various products. Precautions for air pump use
1.Be sure to follow the instructions on inflatable items when filling. Do not exceed the recommended pressure, or the inflatable item may cause serious injury.
2.When using the air pump, do not leave it unattended.
3.Keep the inflator out of reach of children and infants.
4.Do not keep the air pump in damp condition. Do not block the inflate/purge port and always keep it ventilated.
5.When using the air pump, do not suck sand, small stones into the inflatable port/exhaust port.
6.When the air pump is working, do not look inwards or aim the inflatable port/exhaust port at your eyes.
7.Do not attempt to put your hand or finger into the cinflatable port/exhaust port at any time.К:Где је адреса фабрике?
А:АДРЕСА:Четврти спрат,Бр.3 Зграда,Иади Тецхнологи Парк,Бр.4 Хетаи,Хелонг Стреет,Округ Баииун,Гуангзхоу,Кина
Целине Вен Тел: +86 189 2407 0859 ЕМАИЛ: ангел@нбф.хк


К:Где се продају ваши производи?
А:Успешно смо успоставили глобалну продајну мрежу са продајним местима у Јужној Америци, Северна Америка, Европа, Африка, Аустралија, Јапан, Сингапур, Малезија, Тајланд, Вијетнам, Индонезија, Индија и друге земље.


К:Какво је време испоруке?
А:5-30 дана након депозита, зависи.


К:Који су ваши услови плаћања?
А:Плати 50% прво положите и остатак платите 50% пре испоруке.


К:Можете ли прилагодити 110В?
А:да, Ми Можемо. Можемо прилагодити напон од 110В-240В


К:Какве утикаче можемо одабрати?


К: Како започети пројекат?
А: Да започнете свој пројекат, пошаљите нам листу модела производа, количине и специфични захтеви. Онда, добићете понуду од нас у року 24 сати.


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