• Imah
  • Kandel anjing karat tahan karat

Kandel anjing karat tahan karat

  • alat pengering blowup anu kuat pikeun anjing

    The Happy Bear dog dryer is a small, compact and powerful pet dryer which can blow away water, dirt, debris and the undercoat from pets quickly and efficiently. It has variable air flow speed and temperature. The breakthrough of this technology brings natural heating and quiet, insulated operation. It is an exclusive design. Its shell material and high wind outlet combine perfectly. The dryer is of low noise, strong and concentrated wind.

  • Climmers Dog Climmers Clippers tanpa kabel,Panyukur Anjing Énggal

    clipper, blade, clipper oil, 4 comb attachments, transformer and brush.

  • new pet smart cabin

  • pet icu

  • Mesin spa gelembung nano

  • Gunting piaraan

    The NBF pet shear is of professional design. It is made of 9 Cr 13 which is the best material with long-lasting sharpness, sharp and wearable. It is fit for professional salon and home use. The special finger rests and hand-honed, convex edges provide groomers with the ultimate in comfort, control and performance which reduces hand fatigue.

  • Mawar sampo lemes (lemes sareng beueus)

    Bahan-bahanna: cai deionisasi, alkohol lemak alami éter natrium sulfat, natrium lauryl glutamat, fatty alcohol ether sulfosuccinate sodium, gliserin, asam laurat monoethanolamide, hydrolyzed wheat protein, keratin, asam amino, fruit acid silk Protein nutrient factor, VB6, aloe extract, JEUNG, pure argan oil, wild chrysanthemum extract, aloe extract, VB2, methyl isothiazolone.

  • Pencegahan sampo panyakit kulit (sterilisasi sareng peurih)

    Bahan-bahanna: ionized water, alkohol lemak alami éter natrium sulfat, natrium lauryl glutamat, fatty alcohol ether sulfosuccinate sodium, gliserin, asam laurat monoethanolamide, coconut oil amphoteric acid sodium acetate, polysaccharide polymer mixture, Keratin, asam amino, eucalyptus oil, lavender extract, refined argan oil, Aipu extract, Sophora flavescens extract, Cnidium extract, nisin, quaternized silicone polysaccharide, methylisothiazolinone .

  • Sampo rambut hileud madu (bentukna mengembang)

    Bahan-bahanna: cai deionisasi, alkohol lemak alami éter natrium sulfat, natrium lauryl glutamat, asam lemak natrium éter sulfosuccinate, gliserin, asam laurat monoethanolamide, natrium cocoamphoacetate, campuran polimér polisakarida ekstrak madu alami, asam amino, kolagén, VB6, JEUNG, minyak atsiri argan olahan, sari oat, sari valerian, selulosa diaktipkeun, PCA-Na, métil isothiazolinone.

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