Hydraulic dog grooming table
Product advantages:
1.Sealed hydraulic foot pump requires no maintenance.
2.Fine grid pattern design, skid resistance performance is the first-class, tough.
3.Can be adjusted vertically from 49cm to 101cm with the pump.
4.Stainless steel frame and leg, easy to clean.
5.Three colors to choose.(black, green and red)
Q:Perawatan permukaan mana anu paling umum pikeun bagian logam?
A:Ngagosok, Polandia.
Q: How to start a project?
A: To start your project, please send us a list of product models, quantities and specific requirements. Then, you will get the quotation from us within 24 hours.
Q:Kumaha upami tanggal pangiriman standar anjeun ?
A: Biasana 15-40 poé.
Q:Naon istilah pamayaran anjeun?
A:Mayar 50% setor heula sareng mayar sésana 50% sateuacan kiriman.