Pet Bathing Pool
Pet Bathing Pool
Pet Bathing Pool
Pet Bathing Pool
Pet Bathing Pool

Pet Bathing Pool

Pet bath pool(equipped with a hair dryer)is made of stainless steel panels. With water barrier on three sides and dryer duct interface on the side panel with a faucet,which is convenient to operate. The slot screw feet can provide fine-turning adjustment. The removable door with good sealing,anti-slip pedals and slot built-in activity. On the top of the bathtub, there is a removable hook which can easily bind pets.



Hair dryer parameters:wind CVT,adjustable,with hot and cold air.power 2800W,wind speed 25m/s-46m/s,temperature 35℃-75℃,voltage AC110V-240V.

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Eupan balik ayeuna

● Urang baris nyadiakeun manufaktur sarta jasa leuwih akurat tur éféktif nurutkeun sarat husus konsumén.
● Urang boga tim QC profésional pikeun mastikeun produk Anjeun leuwih hadé.
● Pariksa bahan baku saméméh dimimitian produksi.
● Boga inspeksi acak salila ngolah.
● Jieun 100% inspeksi saméméh kiriman.

Q:Mangrupikeun pabrik nbf atanapi perusahaan dagang?
A:NBF mangrupikeun produsen profesional pikeun produk dandan piaraan kalayan pangalaman langkung 12 taun. Urang tiasa nawiskeun jasa mandeg kustomisasi pikeun unggal sarat khusus anjeun.


Q:Kumaha upami tanggal pangiriman standar anjeun ?
A: Biasana 5-20 poé.


Q:Naon istilah pamayaran anjeun?
A:Mayar 50% setor heula sareng mayar sésana 50% sateuacan kiriman.


Q:Kumaha jumlah minimum order urang?
A:Our MOQ is 10pcs.




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