Stainless steel temperature constant double angle lifting operation table
Stainless steel temperature constant double angle lifting operation table
Stainless steel temperature constant double angle lifting operation table
Stainless steel temperature constant double angle lifting operation table
Stainless steel temperature constant double angle lifting operation table

Stainless steel temperature constant double angle lifting operation table

Stainless steel temperature constant double angle lifting operation table

Stainless steel temperature constant double angle lifting operation table are made of 304 stainless steel material, Auto electric control lifting, front and back. You can adjust all kinds of angel if you need.


Products sizes: L1500*W600*H760-1050MM

Feature: High precision temperature control, Steady and durable, lifting steady and control easy.

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Eupan balik ayeuna

Q:Mangrupikeun pabrik nbf atanapi perusahaan dagang?
A:NBF mangrupikeun produsen profesional pikeun produk dandan piaraan kalayan pangalaman langkung 12 taun. Urang tiasa nawiskeun jasa mandeg kustomisasi pikeun unggal sarat khusus anjeun.


Q:Kumaha upami tanggal pangiriman standar anjeun ?
A: Biasana 5-20 poé.


Q:Naon istilah pamayaran anjeun?
A:Mayar 50% setor heula sareng mayar sésana 50% sateuacan kiriman.


Q:Kumaha jumlah minimum order urang?
A:Our MOQ is 10pcs.



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