Brushless pet dryer
1.Eternal long life brush-less motor.
2.Electronic push-button operating system.
3.Micro-o3(ozone)+anion functions.
4.Cold and hot wind modes
5.Infinitely variable speeds
6.Anti-scratch aluminum alloy body
7.Off -center air outlet design
All prototype products have to go through 4 checks in the whole process:
1. Raw material inspection
2. In processing inspection
3. Final inspection
4. Outgoing inspection
Q: How to start a project?
A: To start your project, please send us a list of product models, quantities and specific requirements. Then, you will get the quotation from us within 24 hours.
Q:Nbf ishlab chiqaruvchisi yoki savdo kompaniyasi?
A:NBF tajribaga ega bo'lgan uy hayvonlarini parvarish qilish uchun professional ishlab chiqaruvchidir 12 yillar. Biz sizning har bir maxsus talabingiz uchun bir martalik sozlash xizmatini taklif qilishimiz mumkin.
Q:Where is the product suitable for use?
A:This pet blower is suitable for pet shop, pet hospital or home use.
Q:What is the delivery time?
A:5-40 days after deposit, depends.
Q: How to start a project?
A: To start your project, please send us a list of product models, quantities and specific requirements. Then, you will get the quotation from us within 24 hours.