Prevention of skin diseases shampoo (sterilization and itching)
Ingredients: ionized water, natural fatty alcohol ether sodium sulfate, sodium lauryl glutamate, fatty alcohol ether sulfosuccinate sodium, glycerin, lauric acid monoethanolamide, coconut oil amphoteric acid sodium acetate, polysaccharide polymer mixture, Keratin, amino acid, eucalyptus oil, lavender extract, refined argan oil, Aipu extract, Sophora flavescens extract, Cnidium extract, nisin, quaternized silicone polysaccharide, methylisothiazolinone .
Main effects: Effectively remove all kinds of harmful bacteria in the pet's fur, effectively prevent skin diseases, lasting antibacterial, make hair healthier, brighter and more aromatic.
Dosage Usage: Wet the pet hair with warm water, take a proper amount of the bath and evenly rub it on the pet in the hand. It can be rinsed with water for about 3-5 minutes, or diluted 5-20 times.
Product characteristics: mild formula, a variety of natural bactericidal factors compound high-efficiency plant anti-irritant and soothing ingredients, effective prevention of skin diseases, no side effects, long-lasting fragrance.
Tips: Because this product does not contain chemicals, plant essential oils will naturally separate and present a double layer phenomenon, please feel free to use before shaking, the effect is better.
Dog: all breeds
Q:Nbf ishlab chiqaruvchisi yoki savdo kompaniyasi?
A:NBF tajribaga ega bo'lgan uy hayvonlarini parvarish qilish uchun professional ishlab chiqaruvchidir 12 yillar. Biz sizning har bir maxsus talabingiz uchun bir martalik sozlash xizmatini taklif qilishimiz mumkin.
Q:Sizning standart etkazib berish sanasi haqida nima deyish mumkin? ?
A: Odatda 5-20 days.
Q:Sizning to'lov shartlari qanday?
A:To'lash 50% avval depozit qo'ying va qolganini to'lang 50% before shipment.
Q:Bizning minimal buyurtma miqdori qanday edi?
A:Bizning MOQ 48 dona.
Q:Zavodning manzili qayerda?
A:MANZIL:4-qavat,3-bino,Yadi texnoparki,№4 Xetay yo'li,Helong ko'chasi,Boyun tumani,Guanchjou,Xitoy
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